Bank Customer Churn Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)

web application using flask in deep learning model

Transformer Network Application for Question Answering

transformer network application for question answering

Transformer Network Application for Named-Entity Recognition

transformer network application for named entity recognition

Dinosaur Name Generator using Character-Level Language Model

dinosaur name generator

Deep Convolutional Networks using Residual Networks

sign language digits using residual networks

Deep L-Layer Neural Network for Cat Image Classification

deep neural network cat image classification

Logistic Regression for Classifying Pictures as Cat or Non-Cat

logistic regression cat or non-cat

Content-Based Collaborative Filtering for Movie Recommendation

movie recommendations with content based collaborative filtering

Movie Recommendations with Collaborative Filtering using TensorFlow

movie recommendations with collaborative filtering

Monitoring Failing Computer Servers with Anomaly Detection

anomaly detection using gaussian contours

K-means Clustering Algorithm for Image Compression

image compression using k-means clustering algorithm

Classifying edible or poisonous mushrooms using a decision tree

mushrooms in a decision tree

Recognizing the hand-written digits using neural networks

hand written digits

English and French Translation using IBM Watson's API Language Translator Service

English to French Translation

Australia Rain Prediction with Machine Learning Models

rain prediction using machine learning models